Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hang on a minute

Sometime ago I was waiting for a friend outside the Tate Modern.

It was a Saturday and there were people wandering around pretending to know where they were going but not really having a clue. (I recognise the signs as I do this all the time, techniques include; looking at one's watch, looking at one's phone, looking at other people in the hope that they are just as confused as you.)

Two men walked around the corner. They stopped and looked up at the imposing brick work, the straight lines, the big signs. One of them took out his guide book, searched for the relevant page and on finding it he slowly rotated the book-as if turning it upside down might make sense of the world.

They looked at each other in confused silence and then the man with the guidebook said in surprise...

"Hang on a minute" He exclaimed in a shrill American accent "This isn't Shakespeare's Globe!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sort of reminds me of a time i was near a building with a tiny dome in Holborn and overheard a tourist saying with some confidence to his companion: "that's St Pauls". It wasn't. But I admired his confidence.