Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In the right direction

I've discovered my new favourite thing, it costs me nothing, but fills me with self worth and a sense of achievement.  

London makes people so inhibited that they will happily stand for hours lost and  confused, squinting at a map not wishing to ask for help. It is my belief that there are probably people who have been standing on street corners in Soho for months- not selling their wares but rather trying to establish where.

I won't just help people who ask the real work is to be done with those who won't or can't ask. Their little lost faces light up as I point them in the right direction, they weep with gratitude and I stride off...often in the wrong direction- but that doesn't matter because at least they know where they are going.

I would recommend you try it; it's budget philanthropy for those who can't afford the real thing.

1 comment:

GoneToEarth said...

i thought i was the only one on to that - damn it Ross - maybe we should start totting them up? but maybe that's not the name of the game? name your best rescue.