Saturday, September 12, 2009

Me: Please can I have an orange juice and lemonade.

Barman: Sure.

Gets bottle of orange juice and puts it into glass.

Barman: Ice?

Me: Yes please. Are you going to put any lemonade in that?

Barman: Excuse me?

Me: Lemonade?

Barman: Lemonade?

Me: Yes. I asked for an orange juice and lemonade?

Barman: An orangejuice WITH lemonade!?!

Me: Yes.

Barman looks confused.

Me: Orange juice and lemonade. In the same glass. I'm not sure what more I can tell you...

Barman: Ok.

1 comment:

artquest1 said...

Hey, S
Can't help it - your recent "dialogue" reminded me so much of one I encountered some years ago.
Entering a small cafe with two friends:
Me: I'll have a cup of coffee please.
Friend: I'd like a cup of hot chocolate please.
Waitress: Would you like whipped cream in that?
Friend: Yes please.
Me: I'd like some whipped cream in my coffee too, please.
Waitress: We don't put whipped cream in coffee, just in hot chocolate.
Me: Well, I'll pay extra then.
Waitress: We don't do that, coffee only comes with cream or sugar.
Me: But whipped cream is sweetened cream that's been whipped.
Waitress: No it comes in a can, and we don't put it in coffee.
Hope employment is looking hopeful. Bob